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Re: [Axiom-developer] Re: root chunks

From: Ralf Hemmecke
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] Re: root chunks
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 13:47:16 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070604)

#line 56 "myalps/"

Yes, that is the best case. However, I don't know that there is a general way to have the Lisp compiler preserve that information in useful form in the binary. We can preserve it when we translate to Lisp (or C or whatever - regardless of language) but when that final file is compiled by a compiler we didn't write I'm not sure how to
make it preserve the information for the debugger.  I'm even less
sure how to do this portably - we might be able to talk to the GCL
and SBCL devs, I guess.

I am pretty sure that someone can confirm that gcc has an option that
compiles the #line information into the executable. I am not so sure about gcl. Camm?

You don't need to debug with sbcl. If a bug happens via SBCL and not via GCL then that is a bug in the compiler and not in the algebra code. So you would not be interested in debugging unless you are a compiler writer.

There is simply no need to have chunk names corresponding to filenames.

At some point I think the Algebra code needs to dictate file names (unless the build somehow records what it needs for loading), in
order to be able to load the correct binary files corresponding to
various bits of functionality later.

I don't know what problem you want to solve, but all I can see it that there should be a way that the system knows that for domain/category X it must load the file Y. To me it looks like a simple translation table is sufficient and a user never needs to know about the filename where X is defined. We should have a system where you just click on X and your editor opens and shows you the right place in file Y. That the compiled binary of Y is in Z is only important for the loading mechanism. Why would you want to bother the writer of X with specifying a filename for Z?

Ideally the writer of X should not even need to know the name of Y.


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