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Re: [Axiom-developer] The Axiom Library and Category Theory

From: Bill Page
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] The Axiom Library and Category Theory
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2007 17:05:56 -0400
User-agent: Webmail 4.0

Quoting Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:

... On the other hand, Category Theory (or the Theory of Empty Set),
does not require set -- you can do things with small and large

Just out of curiosity I did a quick web search for the phrase
"Theory of Empty Set" and only turned up your paper for LCSD'05:

  "What is Generic Programming?"

where you and Jarvi wrote:

  Category theory - also occasionally referred to as "abstract
  nonesense" or "the theory of empty set" -- has found an
unreasonably effective application in Computer Science. The phrase "abstract nonsense" is well known, e.g.

but I had not heard the phrase "theory of empty set" before. Can you tell where else you have seen this phrase used in
reference to category theory?

It only cares about *forms and structures*.  From an implementation
point of view, it means that you don't need to require all computational
objects to derive from a single universal base.  That gives flexibility for
composition -- something much harder and clumsy with OO paradigms
(all incarnations that have been tried so far).

I think you are right. Although the Axiom language might have the
ability to avoid this "crisis", the current Axiom library seems to at
least partly embody a more conventional OO approach.
You can failures of OO thinking in the current library in forms of the
curious Abelian Monoids that are not Monoids.  No undergrade in
math will get away with that.  But, Axiom apparently does :-(

Yes, this is a serious problem with the Axiom library that has been
recognized for some time. I think it is time we tried a little harder
to do something about it.
In the thread:

we were talking about the possibility of defining the monoid unit as
a higher order functional. Have you had any more thoughts about

Bill Page.

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