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Re: [Axiom-developer] parallel algorithms

From: root
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] parallel algorithms
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 23:33:23 -0400

> I know what Axiom is, I know what MapReduce is, but what is Magnus? This
> is a name I've not heard before.

Magnus is a package for Infinite Group Theory calculations
invented by Gilbert Baumslag. Infinite Group Theory has the
annoying property that nearly every question you ask cannot
be decided. Thus one writes procedures which may or may not
terminate (as opposed to algorithms). Magnus runs parallel
tasks with different procedures, accepts the first one to 
terminate, and poisons the other computations. See

Parallel algorithms could be run on multi-core or clusters.

These infinite group objects can be written down with
typically small, finite "presentations". For example,

  < a , b , c ; a^2 = cb >

One question of interest is how to extend Axiom to use Magnus or
Magnus to use Axiom. If Axiom created the above presentation and
asked the master a question about it (e.g. is the group abelian?)
you could pass the request off to many Magnus machines and grind
on the answer.

A similar technique might be employed with Sage to ask specific
questions of specialized worker systems.


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