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Re: [Axiom-developer] Silver build-improvements branch does not compile

From: Gabriel Dos Reis
Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] Silver build-improvements branch does not compile
Date: 01 Sep 2006 10:13:19 -0500

Ralf Hemmecke <address@hidden> writes:

| woodpecker:~/OTHER/Axiom/Silver/build-improvements>svn update
| At revision 112.
| ./configure
| make
| Aborts on my Debian Sarge box with the following message.
| Should it actually compile?


The executive summary is a bug (I believe) in the option GCL uses to
compile the generated C codes.  GCL should include the patch to cmpinclude.h

A fix for Axiom would be to have GCL include that path evertime, for
example by modifying *CC* -- by I have not tested that yet.

So, for the moment I have successful builds with

   ./configure --without-gcl

I should probably make that default -- but it kinds of negates the
whole purpose of the patch.  If I don't have time to fix the GCL issue
today, I'll make --without-gcl the default.

-- Gaby

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