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RE: [Axiom-developer] interesting new CAS

From: Page, Bill
Subject: RE: [Axiom-developer] interesting new CAS
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 13:59:52 -0400


Thanks very much for the reference to this new work. Having
actually written a tensor package for Maple a few years ago
and now contemplating the limitations of the CartesianTensor
domain in Axiom, I do have a great respect for this problem.

On Thursday, August 03, 2006 12:58 PM you wrote:
> Today appeared "A field-theory motivated approach to symbolic
> computer algebra": which is
> of course very interesting to me.  Anyone who has used any
> tensor package in any CAS will sympathize with the  goals of
> the author.
> The code is GPL and he even wrote a texmacs interface:
Whenever I see GPL these days my mind goes immediately to
thoughts of integrating the software into some other piece
of open source software with which I am more familiar. In
fact the number of open source packages is growing so rapidly
that we really have a large number of options. Already there
is a TeXmacs interface. Interfacing to MathAction to provide
a common web interface should be very easy. Some sort of
integration between Cadabra and Axiom would be nice - but
how to solve the problem of interfacing with lisp and passing
symbolic expressions? Another option we have to consider now
also is the potential for integration with Sage.

Any ideas about this?

There is another recent paper and a package, this one written
in Aldor on a similar subject of symbolic vector algebra, by
some people in the group where Steven Watt is a principle
resarcher. I sent the email request attached below for
information about the source code, but I have not heard back
from them yet.

Bill Page.

-----Original Message-----
From: Page, Bill 
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 7:33 PM
To: 'address@hidden'
Cc: 'Stephen Watt'; 'address@hidden'
Subject: Component-free vector algebra in Aldor

Dear Sirs;

I read with great interest in your publication:

Component-free vector algebra in Aldor, Songxin Liang,
David J. Jeffrey and Stephen M. Watt, pp. 415-418,
Proc. Transgressive Computing 2006: A conference in honor or
Jean Della Dora , (TC 2006), April 24-26 2006, Granada Spain.

In the paper you state:

"Because of space limitations, this description of the
program is necessarily brief, and omits most details. However,
the source code for the program will be made available on the
Aldor web site, from where it may be downloaded and inspected."

However I have not been able to locate this source code at and it seems that the Aldor web site may not
have been updated for some time. I would be very pleased if
you could direct me to the appropriate location or if you
could send me this code by email.

As an example of the application of your work that I have in
mind, you might refer to:

And of course I would be very interested in hearing about
other work of this kind.

Bill Page.

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