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[Axiom-developer] Re: 1: %

From: Ralf Hemmecke
Subject: [Axiom-developer] Re: 1: %
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 18:04:14 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (X11/20050722)

if we were to consider implementation details, then descending to the
foam level would suffice :-)

However, I was really thinking of the abstract model -- no
implementation involved yet.

I think you are more of an expert in this business. I am just a poor mathematician with some programming knowledge. ;-)

| However, this behaviour is exactly, the difference between a constant
| and a nullary function in Aldor.

The difference is not that between a constant and a nullary function
-- btw, anything defined with "==" is a constant in Aldor :-)

Yes. As I said. "y" is constant "y()" is not.

if your nullary function y evaluates to the *same* value for same
argument each time, then  it would do just fine.

I agree, but it does not evaluate to the same thing. And Aldor allows this. I understand that mathematically a constant and a nullary function is not much of a difference. I would also conceptually agree if we speak about functional languages where there are no side effects. But Aldor allows side-effects.

> You won't see any difference.

Except, maybe for the running time if the compiler is not smart enough to remove
the function call and just replace it with the value.

 The real difference in your program is that of *binding time*.

Of course, I agree, that "x" and "y()" can be treated as constants if "y" where a function in the mathematical sense (returning the same value for the same input). In that case it is just different "binding time".

But in the example I gave in my previous mail. "y" is not a function that returns the same value in each invocation. And you don't think that is a difference?

| Aldor computes the value for x at the time the domain is
| instantiated. So it is constant over the lifetime of the domain
| (unless some dirty tricks change that value). For y it is
| different. That is a function constant. But a constant of type ()->%
| not of type %. Now, of course, if you say "y()", you get something of
| type %. But each time you call y() you might get a differen element of
| %.
| | I guess, you know all this stuff.

yes, thanks.   I'm still puzzled as to why you're collapsing binding time
distinction with constant vs. nullary function.

Maybe, I don't have enough knowledge here. If you could enlighten me, would be nice...


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