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[Axiom-developer] [polymake]

From: kratt6
Subject: [Axiom-developer] [polymake]
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 16:56:01 -0500




    Cardinal ==> NonNegativeInteger
    Scalar   ==> Fraction Integer

-      facets: % -> Matrix Integer
-      vertices: % -> Matrix Integer

      points: % -> Matrix Scalar
      ++ Points such that the polyhedron is their convex hull. Redundancies are
      ++ allowed. Vector (x0 x1 .. xd) represents a point in (d+1)-space
      ++ (homogeneous coordinates.) Affine points are identified by x0 >
      ++ 0. Points with x0 = 0 can be interpreted as rays.  polymake
      ++ automatically normalizes each coordinate vector, dividing them by the
      ++ first non-zero element. The clients and rule subroutines can always
      ++ assume that x0 is either 0 or 1. Dual to INEQUALITIES.  Input section
      ++ only. Ask for VERTICES if you want to compute a V-representation from
      ++ an H-representation.

      vertices: % -> Matrix Scalar
      ++ Vertices of the polyhedron. No redundancies are allowed. The
      ++ coordinates are normalized the same way as POINTS. Dual to FACETS.

      inequalities: % -> Matrix Scalar
      ++ Inequalities that describe half-spaces such that the polyhedron is
      ++ their intersection. Redundancies are allowed. Dual to POINTS.  A
      ++ vector (A0 A1 .. Ad) defines the (closed affine) half-space of points
      ++ (1,x1,..,xd) such that A0 + A1 x1 + .. + Ad xd >= 0.  Input section
      ++ only. Ask for FACETS and AFFINE_HULL if you want to compute an
      ++ H-representation from a V-representation.

      facets: % -> Matrix Scalar
      ++ Facets of the polyhedron, encoded as INEQUALITIES. Dual to VERTICES. 

      equations: % -> Matrix Scalar
      ++ Equations that hold for all points of the polyhedron.  A vector (A0 A1
      ++ .. Ad) describes the hyperplane of all points (1,x1,..,xd) such that
      ++ A0 + A1 x1 + .. + Ad xd = 0.  Input section only. Ask for AFFINE_HULL
      ++ if you want to see an irredundant description of the affine span.

      affineHull: % -> Matrix Scalar
      ++ Dual basis of the affine hull of the polyhedron. 

      vertexNormals: % -> Matrix Scalar
      ++ The i-th row is the normal vector of a hyperplane separating the i-th
      ++ vertex from the rest ones. This property is a by-product of redundant
      ++ point elimination algorithm.

      validPoint: % -> Vector Scalar
      ++ Some point belonging to the polyhedron. 

      dim: % -> Cardinal 
      ++ Dimension of the affine hull of the polyhedron = dimension of the
      ++ polyhedron. If the polytope is given purely combinatorically, it's the
      ++ dimension of a minimal embedding space deduced from the combinatorial
      ++ structure.

      ambientDim: % -> Cardinal 
      ++ Dimension of the space where the polyhedron lives in. 

      feasible: % -> Boolean 
      ++ True if the polyhedron is not empty. 

      pointed: % -> Boolean 
      ++ True if the polyhedron does not contain an affine line. 

      farFace: % -> Set Cardinal
      ++ Indices of vertices that are rays. 

      unboundedFacets: % -> Set Cardinal
      ++ Indices of facets that are unbounded. 

      bounded: % -> Boolean 
      ++ True if the polyhedron is a bounded polytope. 

--      boundedGraph: % -> Graph 
--    ++ Graph of the bounded subcomplex. 

      centered: % -> Boolean 
      ++ True if (1,0,0,..) is a relative interior point. Polar to BOUNDED. 

      positive: % -> Boolean 
      ++ True if all vertices of the polyhedron have non-negative coordinates,
      ++ that is, it lies entirely in the positive orthant.

      polydir: String := "/tmp/"

      polytmp: String := polydir "tmp.poly"

      polylib: String := "/usr/local/polymake/bin/"

      polytmpfile:FileName := polytmp::FileName

-      String2ListInteger: String -> List Integer
-      String2ListInteger r ==
-        map(PARSE_-INTEGER(#1)$Lisp, split(r, char(" "))$String)_
-          $FiniteLinearAggregateFunctions2(String, List String, Integer, _
-                                           List Integer)
-      getBoolean: () -> Boolean
-      getBoolean ==
-        f := open(("/tmp/tmp.poly")::FileName)$TextFile
-        read!(f)$TextFile
-        r:String := read!(f)$TextFile
-        close!(f)$TextFile
-        (r="1")
-      getIntegerList: () -> List Integer
-[25 more lines...]
      polycons: (String, String, String) -> %
      polycons(rep, cmd, prm) ==
        systemCommand("system " polylib cmd " " polydir rep ".poly " prm)_

      polyprop: (%, String) -> Void
      polyprop(rep, cmd) ==
        systemCommand("system " polylib "polymake " polydir (rep::Rep) ".poly "_
                      cmd " > " polytmp)$MoreSystemCommands

-        s: String := "cube" string(n)
-        systemCommand("system /usr/local/polymake/bin/cube " s ".poly " 
-        s::Rep
        polycons("cube" string(n), "cube", string(n))

-        s: String := "cross" string(n)
-        systemCommand("system /usr/local/polymake/bin/cross " s ".poly " 
-        s::Rep
-      rand01(d, n)  == 
-        s: String := "rand01" string(d) string(n) 
-        systemCommand("system /usr/local/polymake/bin/rand01 " s ".poly " 
string(d) " " string(n))$MoreSystemCommands
-        s::Rep
-      randSphere(d, n)  == 
-        s: String := "randsphere" string(d) string(n)
-        systemCommand("system /usr/local/polymake/bin/rand__sphere " s ".poly 
" string(d) " " string(n))$MoreSystemCommands
-        s::Rep
        polycons("cross" string(n), "cross", string(n))

      rand01(d, n) == 
        polycons("rand01" string(d) string(n), "rand01", _
                 string(d) " " string(n))

      randSphere(d, n) ==  
        polycons("randsphere" string(d) string(n), "rand__sphere", _
                 string(d) " " string(n))

-        systemCommand("system /usr/local/polymake/bin/polymake " (s::Rep) 
".poly F__VECTOR > /tmp/tmp.poly")_
-          $MoreSystemCommands
-        getIntegerVector()
        polyprop(s, "F__VECTOR")

-        systemCommand("system /usr/local/polymake/bin/polymake " (s::Rep) 
".poly F2__VECTOR > /tmp/tmp.poly")_
-          $MoreSystemCommands
-        getIntegerMatrix()
        polyprop(s, "F2__VECTOR")

-        systemCommand("system /usr/local/polymake/bin/polymake " (s::Rep) 
".poly H__VECTOR > /tmp/tmp.poly")_
-          $MoreSystemCommands
-        getIntegerVector()
-      facets s ==
-        systemCommand("system /usr/local/polymake/bin/polymake " (s::Rep) 
".poly FACETS > /tmp/tmp.poly")_
-          $MoreSystemCommands
-        getIntegerMatrix()
        polyprop(s, "H__VECTOR")

      simple s == 
        polyprop(s, "SIMPLE")

      points s == 
        polyprop(s, "POINTS")

-        systemCommand("system /usr/local/polymake/bin/polymake " (s::Rep) 
".poly VERTICES > /tmp/tmp.poly")_
-          $MoreSystemCommands
-        getIntegerMatrix()
-      simple s == 
-        systemCommand("system /usr/local/polymake/bin/polymake " (s::Rep) 
".poly SIMPLE > /tmp/tmp.poly")_
-          $MoreSystemCommands
-        getBoolean()
-)abbrev domain TOPAZ SimplicialComplex
-SimplicialComplex(): Exports == Implementation where
-    Exports == with
-      coerce: % -> OutputForm
---                  topaz constructions                                      --
-[59 more lines...]
        polyprop(s, "VERTICES")

      inequalities s == 
        polyprop(s, "INEQUALITIES")

      facets s == 
        polyprop(s, "FACETS")

      equations s == 
        polyprop(s, "EQUATIONS")

      affineHull s == 
        polyprop(s, "AFFINE__HULL")

      vertexNormals s == 
        polyprop(s, "VERTEX__NORMALS")

      validPoint s == 
        polyprop(s, "VALID__POINT")

      dim s == 
        polyprop(s, "DIM")
        getInteger(polytmpfile)$ReadFile :: Cardinal

      ambientDim s == 
        polyprop(s, "AMBIENT__DIM")
        getInteger(polytmpfile)$ReadFile :: Cardinal

      feasible s == 
        polyprop(s, "FEASIBLE")

      pointed s == 
        polyprop(s, "POINTED")

      farFace s == 
        polyprop(s, "FAR__FACE")
        map(#1 pretend Cardinal, getSetInteger(polytmpfile)$ReadFile)_
           $FiniteSetAggregateFunctions2(Integer, Set Integer, 
                                         Cardinal, Set Cardinal)

      unboundedFacets s == 
        polyprop(s, "UNBOUNDED__FACETS")
        map(#1 pretend Cardinal, getSetInteger(polytmpfile)$ReadFile)_
           $FiniteSetAggregateFunctions2(Integer, Set Integer, 
                                         Cardinal, Set Cardinal)

      bounded s == 
        polyprop(s, "BOUNDED")

      centered s == 
        polyprop(s, "CENTERED")

      positive s == 
        polyprop(s, "POSITIVE")


-c4:=cube 4
-hVector c4
c := cube 4
systemCommand("system cat /tmp/cube4.poly")$MoreSystemCommands


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