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Re: [avrdude-dev] GUI using Lib

From: John
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] GUI using Lib
Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2008 22:14:07 +0100

At 21:44 29.11.2008 +0100, Joerg Wunsch wrote:
 So if you had asked before, I could have got you my old stuff.

I read that, but i like to make my own experience with wxWidget, avrdude and related parts. ;-) Have you created a nice Frontend-layout, i think it should not only be a big Dialog-Frame like the old avrdude-gui, or what i have now for test purpose ?

I didn't check it into CVS because it's really a proof of concept
implementation only,

what i did, was to compile avrdude, then copied the lib to the wxwidget-project, i have a separate project for the GUI, linking the lib.

The last two days i browsed avrdudes sourcecode, and found more than just the fprintfs or exits.

There are parts of code which can only be used in CLI, and have to be rewritten in/for the GUI to have the same functionality, without sideffects (i.e. exit). That means that if there will be a clever avrdude-lib for GUI and CLI s.o. has to clear all this out, and separate the CLI-parts to a different lib or something else. The lib should only contain ... Lib-stuff :-) What i mean is that now there will be parts of code in the GUI exe, that can only be used in a CLI.

avrpart.c: avr_display(...)
i rewrote this function in the GUI-project, but found further problems, with i.e. reset_disp_str(), this function can only be called inside avrpart.c but could be used from a GUI !

but i continue exploring the sourcecode,
christmas holidays are very long this year :-)

We could introduce a printf-like function, say

extern void notification(const char *fmt, ...);

when there will be a satisfying solution, i could do it, but this will be only the 1st step in having a lib that can be used in both versions.


updated Win-exe: http://roboter.net-con.net/avrdude/

ich hoffe das versteht jetzt irgendwer, genug verschiedene engl. wörter wären enthalten :-)

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