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Re: [avrdude-dev] firmware update for stk500

From: Joerg Wunsch
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] firmware update for stk500
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2007 16:56:46 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.11

As Klaus Rudolph wrote:

> the info tells me that parallel hv programming is
> only supported with firmware 2.x, right?


> is there a way to get and update the firmware for stk500 boards from
> linux?

Provided you get the firmware file, yes.  However, Atmel's original
firmware files are in a proprietary scrambled or even encrypted format
(suffix .ebn) that is only known to be compatible with their

> I am actually have no windows :-)

Neither do I, so I always have to find a Windows installation for a
firmware upgrade.

cheers, J"org               .-.-.   --... ...--   -.. .  DL8DTL

http://www.sax.de/~joerg/                        NIC: JW11-RIPE
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)

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