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Re: [avrdude-dev] [bug #16129] avrdude enhancement request

From: Galen Seitz
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] [bug #16129] avrdude enhancement request
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2006 08:42:29 -0800

Sebastian Sohn <address@hidden> wrote:

> Reading fuse bits with avrdude is quite uncomfortable since only
> the formats i (intel hex), s (s Motorola S-record ) and r 
> (raw binary) are supported for the -U option.
> I think output formats like h (hex), d (decimal), o (octal) and b (binary)
> could make the output stuff more legible.
> Example:
> avrdude -p atmega88 -P COM1 -c avr910 -q -U lfuse:r:-:h
> avrdude: reading lfuse memory: 0xF7

Have you tried avrdude's terminal mode(the -t switch)?  You can dump
the fuse bits in a readable format with a command like:
    dump lfuse 0 1
That may not be exactly correct, as I don't have any hardware to test
it on right now, but you can definitely dump out the fuse bits in 
terminal mode.

Also, the srecord tool can convert formats to allow you to read various
types of files.  


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