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Re: [avr-libc-dev] Interrupt vector redirection scheme

From: Michael Schulze
Subject: Re: [avr-libc-dev] Interrupt vector redirection scheme
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2007 09:20:58 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070719)

Dmitry K. wrote:
On Monday 03 September 2007 19:59, Michael Schulze wrote:

Very interesting idea. Though there is a discrepancy: function
redir_func() keeps the SREG already after it is scratched (sbiw,
I can't find the definition of that function. Where is it defined?

Your file redirvec.S:

        sbiw ZL, 0                      ; test for zero
        eor r1, r1                      ; clear zero register, as assumed to
        in r0, _SFR_IO_ADDR(SREG)       ; load status. SREG is a SFR macro
        push r0                         ; save loaded status. Assumes irqs are
I can't see a discrepancy. I save the SREG and restore it at the end of the function, because of the called function could it change. However, the interrupt have to ensure that the state of all registers is the same like before.

You have a very thin HAL or small operating
system which offers the possibility of loading and executing of
different applications (one at a time) depending on the actual state or

Aha, I have understood. Yes, it is an absolutely other level
of program design. The simplest decision with the 'if' operator
is not so convinient here.
Yes, correct. We have a system that executes different applications on top of a small HAL and middleware, which resides at the start of the flash. This region should not be flashed ever, because it can act as a boot loader or is used for recovery. That's the reason why we don't want to flash the lower parts of the flash. And if we want to support the application with ISRs, we have to redirect it.


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