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[AUCTeX] TeX-next-error broken for error messages without line number

From: Vitomir Kovanovic
Subject: [AUCTeX] TeX-next-error broken for error messages without line number
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2012 16:04:35 -0700

Hi guys,

I had the sam problem on Ubuntu (TexLive 2009)
and yes the problem is with parenthesis in the pdftex version information

this little change seems to fix it

in the tex-buf.el file in the function TeX-parse-error

just add one simple when so that when the filename is TexLive
yyyy/Debian it is not added to the stack
this is the whole part for handling new files…. I just added when

         ;; New file -- Push on stack
         ((match-beginning 3)
          (let ((file (TeX-match-buffer 3))
                (end (match-end 3)))
            ;; Strip quotation marks and remove newlines if necessary
            (when (or (eq (string-to-char file) ?\")
                      (string-match "\n" file))
              (setq file
                    (mapconcat 'identity (split-string file "[\"\n]+") "")))
            (when (not (string-match "^TeX\\ Live\\
\\(2009\\|2010\\|2011\\)/Debian$" file))
              (push file TeX-error-file)
              (push nil TeX-error-offset)
              (goto-char end)))


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