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[AUCTeX] TeX-add-style hook not working properly

From: Shiyuan
Subject: [AUCTeX] TeX-add-style hook not working properly
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 15:27:10 -0600

    It seems that AUCTeX automatically generates .el files from latex source files. But it is not working in my case. One possible reason could be that I have a setspace.sty in the project directory which is different from texmf-texlive/tex/latex/setspace/setspace.sty.  When Emacs loads the tex file, it refers to some setspace.elc but fails with the following message

Loading /opt/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/auctex/style/setspace.elc...done
if: Wrong type argument: stringp, quote

I also notice another problem: I have two versions of AUCTeX installed, I want to use the version in my home directory. I setup the the load-path variables and put my home directory as the first one in the list. It looks like that Emacs does load the AUCTeX in my home directory as I want. But I notice when .tex files are loaded, emacs refers to the  directory /var/lib/auctex/emacs23 for some elc files(like color.elc, graphicx.elc, ect.). That directory looks like  from another version of AUCTeX. But those files don't exist in the AUCTeX in my home directory. Are those elc files part of AUCTeX distribution? I want to make sure every related file come from the same AUCTeX version in my home directory. 



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