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[AUCTeX] Re: Adding new environments to

From: Tyler Smith
Subject: [AUCTeX] Re: Adding new environments to
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2010 16:18:23 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Ralf Angeli <address@hidden> writes:

> * Tyler Smith (2010-12-17) writes:
>> I'm using Auctex to prepare tests using the exam class. This introduces
>> several new 'list'-like environments: questions, choices, and parts. I
>> want Auctex to treat these like enumerate, list or description
>> environments, including adding the appropriate 'item' macro. However,
>> from my reading of the code, there is no user-friendly way to access the
>> appropriate variables.
> Instead of reading the code, try reading the manual. (c;


Thanks. I knew there must be an easier way.

I still have some questions. I can now use LaTeX-add-environments to get
choices, questions and parts included in AucTex when I insert new

I don't understand how the style files work though. I used the example
from the manual as a template, and put my own tws.el file in the default
style file directory "/home/tyler/.emacs.d/auctex/style" (which is listed in

 (lambda ()
    '("choices" LaTeX-env-item)
    '("questions" LaTeX-env-item)
    '("parts" LaTeX-env-item))))

(defun LaTeX-insert-choice ()
  "Insert the \choice macro within the choices environment."
  (let ((TeX-insert-braces ()))
    (TeX-insert-macro "choice")
    (insert " ")))

(defun LaTeX-insert-part ()
  "Insert the \part macro within the parts environment."
  (let ((TeX-insert-braces ()))
    (TeX-insert-macro "part")
    (insert " ")))

(defun LaTeX-insert-question ()
  "Insert the \question macro within the questions environment."
  (let ((TeX-insert-braces ()))
    (TeX-insert-macro "question")
    (insert " ")))

However, this doesn't appear to get run when I open a .tex file. Once
I'm visiting a .tex file I can evaluate the commands in the minibuffer
to get the behaviour I want, but the code is definitely not getting
evaluated automatically. What am I missing?



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