ASPELL - A Missão 1- TENTATIVA 1 word-list-compress c[ompress] | d[ecompress] Description word-list-compress compresses or decompresses sorted word lists for use with the GNU Aspell spell checker. Commands -c, c, compress compress the plain text word list read from standard input. -d, d, decompress decompress the compressed word list read from standard input. Examples Here are a few examples of how you can use word-list-compress word-list-compress d wordlist.txt Decompress file wordlist.cwl to text file wordlist.txt word-list-compress c wordlist.cwl 2>errors.txt Compress wordlist.wl to wordlist.cwl and send any error messages to a text file named errors.txt LC_COLLATE=C sort -u wordlist.cwl Sort a word list, then pipe it to word-list-compress to create a compressed binary wordlist.cwl file. word-list-compress d .dat 1) Na pasta icewarp/aspell/bin crie um arquivo txt (ex: add.txt) e nele coloque uma palavra por linha, por exemplo caminhões palavranova etc... 2) Na pasta bin, digite: aspell --lang=pt create master add.rws < add.txt 3) Ele deve criar um add.rws (compilado) e ja colocar na pasta aspell/dict (caso negativo, copie add.rws para aspell/dict) 4) Edite o arquivo pt_PT.multi adicione a seguinte linha add add.rws Outros comandos uteis: 1) C:\IceWarp\aspell\bin>echo macacu | aspell --lang=pt_br --encoding="iso8859-1" pipe *** permite testar uma palavra se ele acha uma correcao, por exemplo macacu ele acha macaco @(#) International Ispell Version 3.1.20 (but really Aspell 0.50.3) & macacu 13 0: macaca, macaco, maca cu, maca-cu, macacÒo, maciþa, maciþo, macuco , maca, maþa, maþÒ, macacas, macacos Pode tambem ser usado aspell --lang=pt check arquivo.txt (arquivo contendo palavras) 2) aspell -d pt dump master > palavra.txt *** gera um arquivo texto contendo todas as palavras do dicionario. - TENTANDO AINDA 3 Synopsis prezip-bin [ -V | -d | -z ] Description prezip-bin compresses/decompresses sorted word lists from standard input to standard output. Prezip-bin is similar to word-list-compress(1) but it allows a larger character set of {0x00...0x09, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0E...0xFF} and multi-words larger than 255 characters in length. It can also decompress word-list-compress(1) compatible files. Commands Prezip-bin accepts only one of these commands. -V Display prezip-bin version number to standard output. -d Read a compressed word list from standard input and decompress it to standard output. This can be a word-list-compress(1) or a prezip-bin compressed file. -z Read a binary word list from standard input and compress it to standard output. Examples prezip-bin -d wordlist.txt Decompress file wordlist.cwl to text file wordlist.txt prezip-bin -z wordlist.pz 2>errors.txt Compress wordlist.txt to binary file wordlist.pz and send any error messages to a text file named errors.txt LC_COLLATE=C sort -u wordlist.pz Sort a word list, then pipe it to prezip-bin to create a compressed binary wordlist.pz file. prezip-bin -d