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[Aspell-user] aspell replacement word list

From: Sean Byrne
Subject: [Aspell-user] aspell replacement word list
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2006 13:22:10 -0800 (PST)

I have a question about the distinction between “replacement wordlists” and “dictionaries”.
I am using aspell 0.50.3 (windows port). I also use the one that came with cygwin (also 0.50.3)
I created a dictionary file to test auto-replacing acronyms and abbreviations with expanded words. The “no spaces in words” restriction is limiting, but I have a more fundamental problem.
If I create a text file like this, called “spb_replacements.list”:
pt patient
ER EmergencyRoom
Then generate a dictionary file for use with aspell:
aspell create master --lang=en ./spb_replacements.dict < spb_replacements.list
I try out a “test.txt” file with the following sentence:
The pt was seen in the ER
This command:
aspell -d ./spb_replacements.dict -c test.txt
runs aspell, which only complains about words other that “pt” and “ER”, which I ignore, but the corrected file doesn’t contain replaced terms for “pt” or “ER” (I was expecting to see this output: “The patient was seen in the EmergencyRoom”)
if I try another approach using the original replacement list file
aspell -c test.txt  --repl=spb_replacements.list
I get:
Error: The file “spb_replacements.list" is not in the proper format.
(also fails with “spb_replacements.dict")
Can ASPELL  actually replace words listed in a “replacement wordlist” file?
How? Is there an aspell version-dependency I am missing? What is the proper format for this file?
I am also interested to know your advice for using aspell in a java environment. Do you recommend SWIG or some other process or utility?

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