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Re: [Artanis] Using Session and Cookies in the Same Call

From: Nala Ginrut
Subject: Re: [Artanis] Using Session and Cookies in the Same Call
Date: Tue, 07 May 2019 10:32:53 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.3.1; emacs 26.1

Hi Jonathan!

Jonathan Schmeling writes:

> It's always plausible that this isn't something that was designed,
> intentionally, but is it feasible to spawn sessions in the same call as
> you set! a cookie?

The redirect-to missed a feature to pass extra headers, I added just
The interface becomes:
(redirect-to rc path #:key (status 301) (scheme 'http)
(type '(text/html))
(headers '()))

I haven't gotten time to test it. And we may add more convenient
mechanism based on this feature.

> Unrelated, I also discovered that .html.tpl files seem to not get
> rendered when with \" or \' get used in JavaScript. I tried seeing if it
> was just escaping, in general, that caused the issue but any other use
> of the backslash seemed fine – it only seemed to be when either
> quotation was escaped in JavaScript that Artanis suddenly couldn't
> render the view.

Interesting, thanks for report, I'll try it. ;-)

Best regards.

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