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problem with printing booklet

From: P. Nagaraj,Dept. of HEP,215 2971 x2610,510 0423
Subject: problem with printing booklet
Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2002 17:16:05 +0530
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20011126 Netscape6/6.2.1


I am trying to print on A4 sheets such that they can be folded in the middle to make A5 size booklet. I looked into mail archives and found what I needed. But I still have a problem, and am unable to figure it out. I am sorry if I am missing something obvious, but please help me out!

My ~/.a2ps/a2psrc is contains
# Default Printer, and default options
DefaultPrinter: | lpr -P lj5
Options: --medium=A4
Options: -s2 --setpagedevice=Tumble:true

# A5 size booklet
Printer: booklet | \
#?o! psbook | psnup -2 | pstumble | lpr -Plj5 \
! echo "Cannot be used with more than two pages per sheet." >&2 ; exit 1!

UserOption: booklet -1Pbooklet

And here is a screen output of a2ps
address@hidden ~] a2ps -=booklet test.txt
[test.txt (plain): 4 pages on 2 sheets]
[4] [1] [2] [3] Wrote 4 pages, 20524 bytes
[1] [2] Wrote 2 pages, 23494 bytes
[Total: 4 pages on 2 sheets] sent to the printer `booklet'

My problem is: pages 2 & 3 are swapped and upside down. I also tried these two commands. With or without pstumble, the outputs were identical, that is pages 2 & 3 rotated 180 degrees.
address@hidden ~] psbook ~/test.ps | psnup -2 | pstumble | lpr
address@hidden ~] psbook ~/test.ps | psnup -2 | lpr

I tried sending the outputs into a file instead of lpr and checked with gv - there was no upside down page displayed. Only the hard copy has the problem.
Thanks for helping me out!



P. Nagaraj                             | Phone, office:  91-22-215 2971 x2610
Dept of High Energy Physics | Fax, office: 91-22-215 2110 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | Phone, home : 91-22-216 3936 Mumbai - 400 005, INDIA | ** Email ** : address@hidden +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+

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